




Saturday, September 21, 2019

Borderlands 3 Bloody Harvest Halloween Event On The Way

Borderlands 3 Bloody Harvest

2K Games and Gearbox Software have shared the details on the first Borderlands 3 DLC, known as Bloody Harvest.

Set to release in October, this free mini-expansion provides a suitably spooky setting, a variety of new enemies to fight, gears to collect and a suitably ‘spooky’ boss to vanquish.

Borderlands 3 DLC Bloody Harvest Details

Spearheading Borderlands 3 approach to future free DLC, Bloody Harvest will require players to fulfil special conditions before it can be accessed – with more on just what those requirements are being communicated in the coming weeks.

Related Content – All Active Borderlands 3 Vault Codes

In the meantime though, you can catch the official blurb below from the official Borderlands website, in addition to the first footage (58:44 to 1:03:14):

Everyone can take part in Bloody Harvest when it goes live in October, as it’s the first of many free updates and events you can expect from Borderlands 3. For the duration of the event, any Vault Hunters who have departed Pandora for the first time and started exploring the far reaches of space aboard Sanctuary III will start to encounter Haunted enemies around the galaxy.

These Haunted enemies are your key to accessing a new event-specific map, but watch out—the Ghosts that rise from the bodies of slain Haunted enemies will do their best to scare you to death. Coming into contact with one of these aggressive apparitions will induce the new Terror debuff, which partially shrouds your vision in a mysterious mist and weakens your gun handling, accuracy, and spread. As you explore the ghost-infested galaxy, you’ll earn Hecktoplasm that can be turned in to Maurice, your scaly new pal who’s taken residence aboard Sanctuary III.

Once you’ve earned entry into the Bloody Harvest map, beware: dreadful dangers abound at every turn. Look to the shadowy sky and you’ll see winged Rakk-O’-Lanterns soaring through the air, eager to swoop down and breathe fire in your face. Tread lightly through a ghastly graveyard crawling with Maliwan goons who’ve reserved a burial plot just for you. Resist the urge to retch as you fight through a Ratch-infested pit with rivers of blood running through it.

Should you survive these blood-curdling battles, you’ll come face to skull with the Baron of Bloody Harvest himself. If you’ve been braving the many planets of Borderlands 3‘s story campaign, you might remember facing off against Captain Traunt, a gigantic Maliwan heavy soldier with some killer elemental attacks. He’s back, albeit a bit bonier, as Captain Haunt, complete with some spooky new powers. Any who dare to enter the domain of this monstrous, bone-headed boss should be ready for one hell of a fight.

Of course, Bloody Harvest is also the perfect time to rock some costumes, and you’ll be able to earn some new cosmetic rewards during the event. All told, you can add an ECHO Device Skin, a Weapon Trinket, a skin for each of the four Vault Hunters (which also apply to Moze’s mech Iron Bear and Fl4K’s pets), and ultimately a Global Weapon Skin to your collection if you dedicate yourself to destroying the undead.

There’s also new Legendary loot to farm, including two guns and a shield that play into the new Terror mechanic, as well as a grenade mod. Additionally, new Anointed loot drops from Haunted enemies, Ghosts, and Captain Haunt will have a chance to have Terror-based modifiers. Here’s a look at some of the spooky swag that you can only earn during Bloody Harvest:

Source: Official Borderlands website

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