




Saturday, September 7, 2019

Super Kirby Clash Passwords Unlock Gem Apples And Fragments

Super Kirby Clash Logo

Nintendo has started to share Super Kirby Clash passwords, a free-to-start multiplayer action game that is now available on Nintendo Switch.

These passwords unlock Gem Apples and Fragments, which are items that you will need to recharge your Vigor and forge stronger gear.

To use these passwords, you will need to head right while in the Village to the treasure chest-shaped shrine.

Here you can “recite a password you’ve learned to get a reward,” which must be entered in capital letters and will require an internet connection.

The first time that you use a password, you will clear a related Heroic Mission and unlock five more Gem Apples for doing so.

These are the passwords for Super Kirby Clash that have been shared up until now, which we will keep updated over time:

Super Kirby Clash Passwords For Europe and North America

GEMAPPLES – Unlocks 10 Gem Apples
SUPERKIRBYCLASH – Unlocks 10 Gem Apples, 50 Fire Fragments, 50 Water Fragments, and 50 Light Fragments

Super Kirby Clash Passwords for Japan

ふじさんみえるハルけんきゅうしょ – Unlocks 5 Gem Apples and 1 EXP Up
まいつきリンゴプレゼント – Unlocks 10 Gem Apples
トピックスでハンターズ – Unlocks 10 Gem Apples
スーパーカービィハンターズ – Unlocks 10 Gem Apples, 50 Fire Fragments, 50 Water Fragments, and 50 Light Fragments

In Super Kirby Clash, after Hornhead went on a rampage across the Seaside in the Dream Kingdom, Team Kirby set out on an adventure to restore peace to the land.

You will be able to choose between four unique Roles, before joining up to three other players to take down tough bosses – whether that be passing a Joy-Con controller to a friend locally, or playing online (which requires a Nintendo Switch Online subscription).

Puff up power by crafting weapons, or use Gem Apples, which can be earned as in-game currency or purchased using real-world money, to recharge Vigor (a resource that recharges over time), unlock new quests or trade for weapons, armor, support items or stickers.

Super Kirby Clash is now available exclusively on the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch worldwide.

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