




Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Knight’s Quest PS4 Review

Another day, another RPG to play. I do love role-playing games and the genre itself is probably up there amongst my favourites. The issue these days is that nearly every game has RPG elements, is an actual RPG or it really, really wants to be one. A good game of this type will need to stand out, do something different and be of a very high quality. A Knight’s Quest is an open-world game for PS4 is one that fits this mould, let’s see how it measures up against its competition.

A Knight’s Quest PS4 Review

You play as Rusty, a happy go lucky adventurer who accidentally sets off a chain of events that threaten the world you live in. You set out on a quest to right the wrongs of your ever-snowballing mishap, seek out the mysterious Guardians, find the Spirit Knights and save the world. It’s quite a generic tale that is quite blandly written but it was comical in places when it did not try too hard to be humorous. It’s not a bad tale overall and did not distract me from my goal, it’s just not very memorable and gave me very little drive to carry on with the main storyline.

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